To Germany … online

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For a good number of years, the Bible School has been represented at the Advanced Biblical Studies Series (ABSS) held at Gemünden, Germany, each February. A number have made the journey across the Channel each year to spend the best part of a week with fellow students of the Master at the relatively remote location about 25 miles north west of Frankfurt.

Not only is this a useful time of group Bible study, but it is also a splendid opportunity to make and nurture healthy relationships with our brothers and sisters living across the European continent. We may well have left the EU, but we are still a part of Europe and these ties are most precious.

With travel restrictions as they remain throughout the Continent, the event was hosted online this year with a somewhat reduced programme over the five days. Paul Brazle of Antwerp did a splendid job of putting together a workable schedule enabling a number of speakers each day, on a variety of subjects.

Even though there was nothing like the same atmosphere and opportunities for interaction and excursions – to say nothing of opportunities to serve one another throughout the week – it was delightful to be together in a virtual fashion online, and to see so many familiar faces. A number of new faces were introduced to the event, so maybe next year, back at Gemünden, we might look forward to an even bigger reunion.

Evening Lectures Online

You may recall the first of our Evening Lectures Online on: “The Bible in the British Museum” – an event which we reran in February due to the large numbers wanting to attend. We are now looking forward to the second of these events which we plan to present towards the end of March – again online.

This time Jon Galloway will be presenting an illustrated lecture on: “Fossils and the Biblical Record” on Saturday, 20th March. Fossils are a tangible link to the history of the earth. But how do they fit within the Biblical record? Why do we have fossils? How are they formed? And what mechanism could there be within the pages of Scripture that could account for their existence? You can find full details here, along with the link to access the session.

We continue to be so very thankful for all who continue to support the work we are doing – both in prayer and through regular donations.