In addition to our long-standing teaching and training programmes, we are offering an increasing number of activities online – open to all with means of access. All this has essentially been made feasible through a general acceptance and growing familiarity with online conferencing. We offer:
- two weekly Online Bible Classes
- a weekly thought: ‘Something to think about’
- an occasional Friday Evening Quiz to provide some light-hearted, educational entertainment
- bi-monthly Saturday Evening Lectures Online on a variety of subjects. See here.
Our weekly Online Bible Classes
Our Online Bible Classes are open to anyone who wants to be a part of a live, online class, and who has access to a computer or similar object. You are free to be a part of whichever and however many classes you may choose. No enrolment or registration is necessary. Classes begin at 8 o’clock and access is generally provided up to 15 minutes before the hour. The links below will take you to the online Waiting Room from where you will be given access.
Where can I access these sessions?
Unlike our weekly thoughts: ‘Something to think about’ which we are continuing to host on YouTube, we’re hosting these classes on Zoom. You may want to download the Zoom client or app – you shouldn’t have to, but it would improve the experience if you did. Please find the schedule below. Clicking on the image or title should bring you to the relevant Zoom session. Thank you.
If you need help in accessing and using Zoom, please click here.
To download a full schedule of classes, please click here.
To download a slide with a class schedule, please click here.
We have decided to record live online classroom sessions so as to make them available to those who wish to catch up or review the material presented in the classes. These will be available here.
Class schedule for twelve weeks from 6th January 2025
8.00 pm ~ 2nd Timothy and Titus
Among the writings of the apostle Paul were a number of personal letters written to two young men whose lives were devoted to Jesus, and to the work of the mission of God. These letters not only offer insight into these working relationships, but also suggest plenty of important lessons for those working among the people of God today.
Presenter: John Griffiths
8.00 pm ~ The Book of the Prophet Isaiah
Isaiah is possibly best known through a few quotations in the New Testament Scriptures, but this book is full of so much richness and colour. Set in a context of turbulent international conflicts, the book records the words of a servant of God, truly devoted to his mission. Join us as we briefly examine this volume, setting the writings of the prophet Isaiah within their historic and textual contexts.
Presenter: Patrick Boyns