1. Patrick Boyns

    Launch Event at Loughborough

    We were back at Loughborough later this week for the first of a number of Distance Learning Programme Launch Events we are planning to hold around the country. A good number turned up to listen to presentations on the rationale for the programme, within the context of the history and...
  2. Patrick Boyns

    Mission IS possible

    Look out for our new postcard adverts! The Publicity Group recently commissioned Aubrey Boyns to design a postcard around the theme ‘Mission is possible’ and this is what he has come up with – we are delighted! With an increased emphasis on mission, the idea is to promote the opportunities...
  3. Patrick Boyns

    Panel programme filmed

    This afternoon saw further progress in the preparation of the Distance Learning Programme as several gathered at Loughborough to film the first of a series of panel discussion programmes aimed at illustrating various approaches to understanding the Bible. Under the chairmanship of Module One Tutor, Steven Whitehead, our guest panellists,...