Regardless of what might lie ahead after your studies, or whilst you are in the midst of them, all will have a much better grasp of the message of the Bible and should be well-equipped to serve according to your God-given abilities within all kinds of new environments.
The current cost of the first Distance Learning Module is just £10. This is a real bargain. Subsequent Modules are slightly higher.
Costs for Study Weekends and other events will vary but will be made to cover costs and will be clearly indicated. Congregations are encouraged to assist students as being an important investment in their development.
Our first Distance Learning Module discusses the issue of versions and should prove useful in making that sort of choice. If you are planning to purchase a new Bible before commencing this module, please get in touch.
The awards we currently offer are of an internal nature, although credit has in the past been given to these in a wider context.
To attend a Study Weekend or similar Assessed-Curriculum event, you should complete a simple Attendance Form that will be made available to download where applicable.
Congregations wishing to hold an In-House Training event will make their own arrangements as these events are generally geared towards the particular requirements of the local congregation of believers.
All our programmes are offered only in English, though we would certainly be amenable to the possibility of working with local translators if this seemed to be useful.
You are, of course, more than welcome to access any material available on this website.
If ever we decide to make our programmes accessible more widely, we will amend this section.
If you still have unanswered questions about the school, please get in touch and let us know how we can help you further.