Online Extension Programme

Screen shapeIn recent times many of us have grown quite accustomed to video conferencing, whether it be simply as a means of keeping in touch with family and friends or as a means of sharing together in learning or social activities. Since early in 2020 the British Bible School has been holding Online Bible Classes several evenings each week, and these have proved to be very popular with a good number of participants attending on a regular basis.

Our Online Extension Programme is designed for those who want to take things a little further. It gives students the opportunity to study one of our Applied Biblical Studies Modules in a live, virtual classroom setting. Led by one of our experienced teachers, these classes enable students to share together online from the comfort of their own homes.

Details of Modules being offered through our Online Extension Programme can be found below.

How does it work?

First you will need to enrol as a student of the British Bible School. This is a very straightforward process. You will need to complete and submit an Enrolment Form.

Then you will need to register for the Module you are wanting to study. Please use this Module Registration Form.

Once you have enrolled for the Module, you will be sent details of how to access the classes online, along with any other instructions needed.

You will need to attend all the classes, although if there is a particular reason why you may not be able to attend a class then please let us know as soon as possible so we can make necessary arrangements.

Your class teacher will generally also be your tutor for the Module. He will help guide you through the module, assess your submitted assignments and be there to provide any help you might need along the way.

All material will be available online. Clear instructions will be provided to guide the student through each stage of the module.

You will need to work through the material given, completing assignments as instructed. Modules are designed to be both challenging and informative, encouraging students to think for themselves whilst providing necessary guidance along the way.

We look forward to seeing you in class.

Modules available:


Psalms (OLD09)

This module introduces the student to the structure, character and contents of this Hebrew songbook. A number of selected Psalms are examined within their historic and theological contexts.

This is one of our Old Testament Modules forming part of our Applied Biblical Studies course. Students working towards a British Bible School award will receive 5 Module Credits upon completion of all given assignments.

The Module will be offered as part of our Online Extension Programme for 12 weeks commencing 27th September 2022. For more details, click on the poster. To register for this Module, please complete the Registration FormĀ here.