1. BBS

    From Byblos to BiBloS

    If you do not like what I am writing you can decide to boycott me. I hope you won’t take such drastic action and please, whatever you do, don’t lynch me. I am sure you have heard the words boycott and lynch and no, they were not the opening batsmen...
  2. BBS

    The Source of Authority in Christianity

    As in any area of life, authority is exercised in some form or another, both by individuals and groups, throughout the world of Christianity. Leadership takes on so many varied forms that believers often become confused as to what constitutes legitimate practice of Biblical authority. Some Christians in positions of...
  3. BBS

    Moses’ Choice

    “By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.” (Hebrews 11:24, NIV) Few would deny that Moses ranks as one of the greatest men of Old Testament times. His shadow falls across 1,500 years of Hebrew history, and his presence pervades...