Recent Study Weekends

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Jack Paton teaching 1st Peter at East Kilbride

Over the past couple of weeks we have conducted Study Weekends in both East Kilbride, near Glasgow, and Wembley, North London. All have seen a reasonable attendance which has been growing slowly with each new event planned.

It is encouraging to see both locals and visitors traveling to these events which are designed to provide opportunity for short but intensive sessions of Bible study in a given subject in line with our BBS curriculum.

The East Kilbride event was held over the weekend of 3rd to 4th October and focused on The Letters from Peter (NEW18). Jack Paton led the event with an introduction to 1st Peter and a study of first three chapters of this first letter. He and Jon Galloway will teach the rest of The Letters of Peter on 14th to15th November 2014.


Patrick Boyns during a session on A Letter from James at Wembley

This past weekend saw the first of two Study Weekends to be held this autumn at Wembley. Patrick Boyns and John Griffiths are teaching A Letter from James (NEW17) and covered an introduction and the first two chapters. The remainder of the book, along with a number of themes addressed, will be covered on the same weekend as the Central Scottish event –  14th to 15th November.

Both East Kilbride and Wembley have hosted Study Weekends in the autumn over a number of years. We are currently looking for other venues where we might be able to hold events at other times of the year.