New venues for Study Weekends

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Jack Paton teaching 1st Peter at Aberdeen

Jack Paton teaching 1st Peter at Aberdeen

We are absolutely delighted with the ‘first round’ of recent Study Weekends last month. Both were held in venues we have not used before in this way and all feedback we have received has been most positive. Our Study Weekends are specifically designed to provide short but intense periods of Bible study within a classroom environment. Each pair of weekends enables us to present a single Module whilst also providing students with the opportunity of working towards a BBS award.

1st Peter at Aberdeen

The first Study Weekend in Aberdeen was held on 20th to 21st February. Jack Paton presented material on 1st Peter, covering the first half of the Module: Letters from Peter (NEW18). Making use of a helpful workbook, attention was given both to specific texts as well as discussing major themes found in the epistle.

A total of 21 were in attendance over the weekend with a good number attending all the sessions. Several are planning to undertake the additional assignments required for working towards a BBS award.

The second Study Weekend on Letters from Peter will be held at Aberdeen on 20th to 21st March. Please see details here.

Ephesians at Northampton


Some of the students at the Study Weekend at Northampton

Northampton was the venue for our second Study Weekend, held on 27th to 28th February. Patrick Boyns and Mark Hill presented material from the first three chapters of Ephesians, covering the first half of the Module: A Letter to Ephesus (NEW10). Following some introductory matters relating to authorship, recipients and context of the letter, the text was examined in light of the message of the book.

About 30 attended the Friday evening sessions with more than present throughout the day on Saturday. Again, several plan to undertake additional assignments at the conclusion of the second weekend to be held at Northampton on 27th to 28th March. Please see here for details.