East Kilbride study weekend module syllabus posted

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Qumran jars smallThe first of the two East Kilbride study weekends to be held over the next couple of months is only just over a fortnight away. The dates are: 22nd to 23rd May 2009. All are welcome to attend and a booking form is available here.

The study weekends also form a part of our module on The History & Development of Biblical Texts (GEN01), though any may attend without completing the additional assignments. Those enrolled on our module-point credit programme will need to attend both study weekends and complete all assignments as given.

This first weekend will begin with an introduction to the subject of Textual Transmission, set in the context of God’s revelation to mankind. We will move on to examine the documents of the Old Testament text, including the manuscripts and ancient versions with special attention to the contents and significance of the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’. Finally, we will consider the implications of our findings for life and mission in the 21st century.

For more details look here, or contact either Jon Galloway on 01355 247798 or Patrick Boyns on 01733 223331.