While it is a cliché – and we all know that clichés should be avoided like the plague – this module is intended to do what is says on the tin: to introduce all students to the basics of Bible study, which covers some facts about the Bible itself along with information on how to study it and with what tools.
Presenting this material in a “one size fits all” format inevitably means there will be some parts that you have heard before and others that will not go far enough. However if you approach the material with the correct attitude you will not waste your time. At the places where you already know what you need to know treat it as revision and if there are marks on offer take them with gratitude and move on. Where we do not go deep enough remember that this is an introductory module and once you have completed it we will take you much deeper elsewhere. Two more clichés: the longest journey starts with a single step; and you must learn to walk before you can run.
Two main sections
Unit One falls broadly into two parts. We start with some information about resources and then have some introductory thoughts on the Bible itself in the form of three DVD presentations and a Bible reading assignment. We put the resources first as you will need some of them before you go much further, especially two Bibles in English, and if you have to request them from your local library or look for them in bookshops it will be best to get this underway before you actually need them. If you come to your studies with a well stocked personal library take a quick look at what we recommend and if it matches what you have already then praise the Lord and press on. Everybody reading this is different: some will have a good collection of Bible study aids already in place, others will be skilled at researching on-line, and some will be complete beginners. We are going to help all of you no matter what your base level and more experienced students will recognize this.
If you are using this unit as a resource, search the Table of Contents and go straight to what you need and if you have time read around a little and see what else we have to offer.
Tackling assignments
If you are starting your BBS studies and would like to receive British Bible School credit then you will need to check through the assignments and see what you need to do. At some points we ask you to read an article and then tick a box to say you have done so. If you tick the box without having done the work you will get the credit but, of course, you will not have earned it and neither will you get the benefit. While we at BBS try to be academically rigorous we know that it is easy – too easy – to cheat the system. If you want to cheat you will get your reward; if you want to study in order to better know God our Father and His word then we are here to help you (and you will be rewarded more beneficially).
Other assignments can be assessed by your mentor, if you have one, but we recognize that for some students this may not be an option so we will not insist on this. All we ask is that you do your best and give an honest account. If you achieve everything we ask, well done – and do it again on the next assignment. If you fall a little short, well done – try and do better next time. And if you get in a total muddle, have another go or tick the box that says that you tried and failed and see if you can do better on the next one. We know that some students find some assignments next to impossible so all we ask is that you give it your best effort and an honest appraisal before moving on.