2. Unit Five Assignment Instructions

In this Unit …


We are going to prepare to write a research paper or essay together. As you work through the unit, all specific instructions will appear in red and will be accompanied by the image to the right:

Where the text is representing the possible work of the student – it will appear in blue.

Your first task is to read these notes and follow the instructions within them.

Please do the exercises as you come to them. If you read all the notes first and then come back to the tasks you will know too much too soon.

Trust me on this – it will work!

During this unit you will be asked to prepare a number of documents which together will form your “assignment pack”. These may be in the form of e-documents or actual pieces of paper. When submitting work that has been handwritten, you may either produce an digital image or sent through the Royal Mail.

Make a noteUnless your tutor requests otherwise, please do not submit anything until you have completed all the instructions. Once you have worked your way through the unit and completed the unit assignment, please submit everything as required.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your tutor for help.

< Unit Five Introduction   Step One: Pray >