10. Unit Four Checklist and Self Assessment

Post itPlease Note: This should only be completed and submitted if you are studying this module for BBS credit.

If you have not yet enrolled but would like to do so, then you will need to complete the enrolment process as described under “The complete experience” here.

Please complete the following:

Student details

Christian/First names


Student No.

Email address


I have read and understood the following:

"Bible Translation Before Anyone Spoke English" Yes No 
"A Brief History of the English Bible" Yes No 
"Some Issues in Bible Translation" Yes No 
"Guidelines for Selecting the Best Bible" Yes No 

I have watched and understood the following:

• Video Presentation One "The Bible in English - an Introduction" Yes No 
• Video Presentation Two "A Brief History of the English Bible" Yes No 
• Video Presentation Three "Some Issues in Bible Translation" Yes No 
• Video Presentation Four "Guidelines for Selecting the Best Bible" Yes No 

I have completed and submitted the following:

• Bible Comparison Exercise Yes No  (this must be completed before submitting this form)



"I have read the notes for Module One, Unit Four and completed all the work for this Unit to the best of my ability:"



If you need to message your tutor about anything relating to this Self Assessment, please use the space below: