You will be registering for attendance on our Mid–Winter Family Retreat.
There are a maximum number of 65 places which are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Accommodation is in rooms sleeping from 2-6 people, and with a variety of configurations including bunkbeds. We regret there are no single rooms so it is likely that single guests will need to share a room.
We will generally accommodate families or couples in their own room, as well as individuals booking on the same form as appropriate.
In order to accommodate as many people as possible, it may be necessary to accommodate some couples in separate single-gendered ‘dormitory’ rooms (please see below).
The cost for the weekend is:
- Adults – £75
- Children aged 5-16 and sharing a room with their parents – £35*
- Children aged 5-16 and not sharing a room with their parents – £75
- Children aged 0-4 – FREE
* for families with three or more children aged 5-16, sleeping in the same room as their parents, only the first two children will incur a charge.
You will need to either bring your own sleeping bag / bedding or else hire bed linen from the centre.
Bedding is NOT provided within the cost for the weekend. Bed linen (sheet, pillowcase, duvet and duvet cover) is available to hire at £7.00 per person per stay and is in addition to the cost for the weekend. If you wish bedding to be supplied, please register before 23rd December 2023 and indicate on the Registration Form. If you register after this date, you will not be able to order bedding.
To register:
If you would like to join us for our Late Winter Family Retreat from 19th to 21st January 2024, please:
- Complete the following form and click ‘Send’ to send it to us.
- Send a deposit of £10 per person (except for children under 5) to secure your place.*
- Send the remainder to reach us by 12th January 2024.
Payments should be sent either:
- by bank transfer to 60-06-11 29098394, using for Reference your personal reference code.* The account is with the National Westminster Bank in Corby. [Please note that this is a new account number for use with residential events]
- or by cheque, payable to “British Bible School”, to 36 Tintern Rise, Eye, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE6 7YL.
* please generate your your personal reference code (PRC) using the first five letters of your surname plus the first three letters of your first name (using random numbers to fill any blanks). Eg. ‘BLOGGJOE’ This is to ensure we can easily match payments to people.
** you may, if you wish, pay by instalments – please let us know if you would like to do this. Please send your PRC with all payments – thank you!
Thank you.